
Posts Tagged ‘stars’

1- the rise & popularity of shows like: Honey Boo, Kardashians, Housewives of … just sick of these shows that highlight & feature unhealthy/dysfunctional families, bratty kids, and bratty “adults.” OH, and no talent “stars” or “celebrities.”

2- the lack of documentaries on History Channel. We know you want to get into the reailty show frenzy of suck, but please- remember your roots!

3- “news” stations. Cronkite is spinning over like mad in his grave right about now. REPORT the news! politicians have become the lobbyists of the news.

4- actual MUSIC videos on MTV & VH1- bring back Headbanger’s ball & yo mtv raps, dare I say… tv killed the radio star & replaced it w/half-assed “stars” that can’t sing just punch up a voice via computer.

5- competition shows- unless someone is creating something- like a meal or something, it’s just a chance to get a bunch of people together to bitch about something.

6- all these shows that feature people raping nature. yay! yes, let’s plunder our resources to brink of nonexistence so then we finally realize it and go- wait, we need that now.

7- skinny broads that look like they need a cheeseburger, running around in spiked heels & bitching about one another is not entertainment, it’s what’s wrong w/females that think to call themselves a woman.

8- lack of shows Not trying to be the next piece of crap in reality tv.

9- what the hell happened to cartoons on sat. morning- i mean real cartoons, not the cartoons made to deal w/kids fed a crappy diet of sugar & fat, drugged up w/latest med to deal w/any number of ailments…

10- cable costs too much for the crap you get to watch. I want to pick my own channels dammit! And QUIT messing w/channels Time Warner & others.

There’s little wonder why I didn’t have cable for so long & why I choose not to pay for it when I have my own dwelling.

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in space, i wonder, if they celebrate the day of the dead—

memories of people now spirits, and energy transformed

past horrors and beacons of hope now faded in time

left to decay in the vacuum of the sublime

black holes inhale souls rapidly, as we on earth pass on

the event horizon is now our heaven and hell,

and purgatory becomes our nursery where we become stars

to unite as galaxies, to cradle others with our spiraling arms.

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