
Posts Tagged ‘christmas’

i was commenting on a post about christmas decorations when i thought about some thoughtful and cost effective christmas gifts. now while something shiny and wearable is nice or that new device that seems to do it all, may tickle your fancy, i think some of the best gifts could be those that are created by hand and heart. gentlemen, behold:

cookie’s creatively concocted christmas list

1- stack of poems- topic left to giver. i’ve always liked to write poems inspired by the person that will eventually receive my musings.

2- home made yummies

3- thoughtfully knitted items

4- scrapbook or frame w/pictures of person and pals

5- burned cd’s

6- a thoughtfully prepared meal- for you and another or others, allowing time to talk, play games- spend quality time

7- a night out- looking at lights, having cocoa and baked goods

8- drawings or paintings of stuff one may appreciate

9- other nifty crafted items that may serve a practical purpose

10- surprise movie night w/old movies, popcorn, snackies, etc.

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now for the past few days i’ve been taking Nacho, sassy dog i’ve been pet sitting, on walks through the neighborhood- night and day; and well, what the ?! is up w/christmas decorations? now call me traditional or sentimental- whatever, but some of the decor i just don’t get.

now i see the point of santa (though i never believed in him growing up; if so, where is his fat ass so he can pay my student loans) and i see the point of those elves or cheap labor he employs, and then there are the reindeer that impossibly pull the fat man about the globe… and i see the point of the other “holiday” type of characters that santa “lives” with or near, in the north pole- whatever….

but what the crap does a turtle w/a santa hat and various other animals and characters have to do Directly, w/christmas? why do i see a porcupine with sunglasses in a snow globe w/a crab in santa hat or why do i see christmas lights in the shape of bananas? seriously?

and for that matter- people: just b/c it is in christmas section of store, does not mean you have to litter your lawn w/the ridiculous… yes, btw, i am the very same person that enjoys 37th street or whatever it is in austin that decks out in lights and such oddball decorations. i guess, even for me, some of it is well- an eyesore… or as i sit alone, coming up on the 24th & 25th,  perhaps some if not all my spirit for season is just really not there. if i may direct you to earlier christmas posting about not doing anything christmas-y this year.

anyway, enjoy your holiday and all the gaudy monstrosity it brings.

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and while i do like those things, i find myself not really being all that excited anymore. it’s not like i ever really have any plans for that time of year. i don’t think i’ve given a crap about christmas since i was a child. back then i wanted pointless items that now mean nothing or little to me to be honest- no offense meant to anyone that bought me things as a child.

i also haven’t done anything very holiday oriented… i think the most i did was go out for black friday but i later ended up feeling guilty for what i did get that day except for my new hat and a pair of pajamas. perhaps that’s it- there’s nothing i really want- like when i was a kid when it seemed that happiness could be found in shiny paper, bows and via the medium of plastic or whatever the cool toy was made from.

sure there are things i’d like to have but they are practical items i can buy should i choose to- any point in year. i think the main thing i want/need, are a pair of boots and that’s about it. lol.

in terms of things i’d like to have- i’ve always wanted a microscope, a telescope and chemistry set- yeah i guess i missed the boat on that when i was a kid so i suppose it is silly to want them now. the telescope is the one i really would get giddy if ever were in my presence. my mind is always in the stars and sky so may as well learn about them and take a better look at them.

but back to not doing anything christmas-y… i think the one thing i would do is head down to 37th street, where ever it is that they deck the whole block in lights and walk around while drinking some cocoa, then follow it up w/visit to bakery to get cookies and cupcakes 🙂 prior to that i would love a bite to eat and chance to wander by windows they decorated over by 2nd street. yeah, that would be very nice to do and make me feel somewhat if not totally christmas-y.

this year is interesting for several reasons which i will not bore you w/but the thing that sticks out is that i will be pet sitting from the 13th to the 25th of dec. so i will be in a friend’ house w/their sassy pets so they are not alone or forced to spend holidays in some dismal pet care facility- not all are this way but you get idea. while i will enjoy a diff. environment for a bit, i shall be away from my lil cat cinnamon for some time and i am sure she will miss me. luckily though, my family will be there to pamper her and give her loves.  i also will be by myself for awhile which is certainly an anti-holiday thing to do for most people. i do not mind this in general b/c, 1- i work in the evenings anyway- except for fridays and christmas wknd. and 2- i miss being master of my domain, lol. thank you seinfeld. perhaps i can take it a step further and put up a festivus pole in my make shift residence for the x-mas. i think my friends would get a kick out of that- returning to find a pole in middle of room and seinfeld playing in the background as i do the feats of strength and airing of grievances amongst the dog- nacho and cat- maria, i am to pet sit. yes, that will be a site for them to behold…

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1- the lights!

2- cooler/colder weather?

3- wrapping paper, i can wrap anything.

4- the street in austin that does the whole block up in lights, i think it’s 37th st.?

5- trail of lights, went for the first time a few yrs. ago.

6- more opportunities to wear my zazzy hats!

7- christmas music, especially if Sinatra is singing 🙂

8- the smell of christmas trees 🙂

9- 24 hours of a christmas story on tbs.

10- the red and shiny decorations 🙂

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soon after Halloween i came to

i sat up, looked around

and saw others i knew.

the others looked like me,

and from what i could see-

i think they’re all crazy.

to the edge of the counter

i walked with a few others,

and jumped on down

and broke into crumbs.

then a kid came 

and brushed us all away.

trashed like wrapping paper, 

nothing more to savor.




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Upon request, I created an outlet for my poetry via word press.  I’m still getting the hang of it- all of the options remind me of an episode of Venture Brothers. In an episode, the Monarch holds his head and sits there saying, buttons! there’s just so many buttons! Lol, now while I’m not at that level of angst yet, I do get the general idea of how he feels 🙂

Follow along if you wish. One project I have coming up is centered on one of my favorite holidays, Halloween. I intend to post a new poem for each day, leading up to the day of black and orange… and costumed candy hunters.

Christmas, my other favorite holiday, will also get some attention in the form of poems or thoughts. I may create a series of posts from the perspective of my reindeer purse (pictures to follow). Who knows, stay tuned…

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